Impact Boards Emerging Markets and REDD Intelligence Sign Partnership Agreement Impact Boards Emerging Markets (“IBEM”) and REDD Intelligence (“REDD”) are pleased to announce a strategic partnership, which aims cooperation and supporting each other to jointly raise awareness of each other’s role in the market in regards to subjects related to corporate finance, climate governance, board independence and diversity. IBEM and REDD will organize joint events and collaborate to produce research and content related to climate change and other corporate governance and sustainability topics.
“We are very excited to team up with Redd Intelligence, as their insightful research and reporting could be an invaluable intelligence tool for Board directors. REDD’s coverage of capital markets and governance in emerging markets is second to none. We hope our growing community of Board members and C-suite executives in EM-based entities will be able to take advantage of this unique offering on IBEM’s platform soon," Greg Saichin, Co-Founder and CEO, Impact Boards EM.
“We are delighted to join forces with Impact Board Emerging Markets (IBEM) to raise awareness on corporate and climate governance, board independence, and diversity, among other important topics. We are also truly honored to have the opportunity to work close with such a stellar team of industry experts as Greg Saichin and Olga Pascault,” Valeria Morozovsky Girimonte, Co-Founder and Managing Director, REDD Intelligence.