Heidrick & Struggles
4 December 2024
Heidrick & Struggles’ Board Monitor Saudi Arabia report explores six ways Boards around the globe and in KSA are reshaping their processes to thrive now.
Heidrick & Struggles has been tracking the trends that have shaped the global governance arena including important long-term changes in Board independence, diversity, financial oversight, risk management and in the shareholder base the Directors serve. More recently, they have been helping their clients understand the expanding environment in which they are operating. How is the role of business in society changing? What are the implications for Directors? What does the future hold?
Clarity has been hard to find as Directors struggle to draw reasonable boundaries and consider their responsibilities in the midst of a post-pandemic, high-interest rate economy, geopolitical uncertainty and conflict, emerging technologies, cybersecurity concerns and a long list of social and environmental concerns. While there are important industry and regional differences – indeed, differences from one company to another, most accept that the role of the board is expanding. More is at stake. More is uncertain. And more is expected now of Directors.
New approaches are emerging for Boards and individual Directors who see promise in this shifting landscape. In what follows, we draw on the results of two recent surveys of CEOs and directors around the world, and our experience, to describe how directors and CEOs are answering six questions that are reshaping the Boardroom.
Six questions reshaping the Boardroom
Who is influencing the Board agenda today – and are Board members happy with that?
Where does the Board spend its time – and are those the right places?
How are Boards addressing the widening risk environment?
Are Boards more operationally involved?
How should Boards engage with the workforce?
How are Boards thinking about diversity today?
Read the full pdf report below.